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Our online software allows you to quickly access the information you require in the TSRGD, saving you time so you can achieve more.

See How You Can Save Time
We speed up your work
Save hours not having to scroll or flick pages back & forth! Saving you time & therefore saving your money.
We help you see everything
We put all of the information for each sign on that sign's page so you do not miss information, that may otherwise be hidden in different pages of the book.
We ensure you’re up to date
Looking at out of date information results in rework which result in loss of money. Unlike books, our online software is always up to date.

Save time & hassle

Finding all of the information that you need on a particular road sign or marking can be time consuming and tedious. That's time which could be spent doing valuable tasks. Here are some time-consuming things you need to do when looking for information in the TSRGD:
  1. 1

    Not knowing where to look

    So you know the sign or marking you are interested, and need to find the relevant TSRGD information for that diagram. You spend time scrolling up and down the PDF to find the page which has the picture of the diagram you require.

  2. 2

    Finding references

    Once you've found the page for your desired diagram, you'll find it in a table of references. You'll then need to scroll through the PDF again to find each of the references to gather the information you need.

  3. 3

    Forgetting references

    Memorising reference numbers and then scrolling to find them in the document may mean you forget the reference number and have to scroll back to the original signs table to get the reference number again. Human-error could also result in reading the wrong reference.

  4. 4

    Checking other relevant paragraphs

    You also need to read through other parts in the desired diagram's schedule, as there may be other important paragraphs which are not referenced in the table. Such paragraphs typically apply to all diagrams in the table and therefore not referenced in the signs table itself.

  5. 5

    Reading the amendments

    The TSRGD amendments are separate documents which make some important changes to the original TSRGD. New amendment documents may also be released at any time. You therefore need to also check the amendments to ensure you are looking at the latest information.

  6. 6

    Finding the header diagram

    The signs tables in the TSRGD typically have a diagram above the whole table or in the previous part. This header diagram may prescribe the size, shape or background colours. To find this header diagram, you will need to scroll and find the top of the table or the first part of the schedule.

  1. 7

    Checking definitions

    The TSRGD has definitions for 143 specific terms. If you don't know the definition of a term, you will need to scroll to the definitions pages, look for the term and check to see if there is a definition for that term.

  2. 8

    Zooming in & out

    PDFs can be difficult to read, and you probably find yourself zooming in and out. This is especially noticeable when you have to resize your PDF window to fit next to other windows you have open on your desktop.

  3. 9

    Rotating the page

    As you may know in the new TSRGD, some pages are portrait, while others, especially the ones that contain the signs tables, are landscape. Such a format means you have to keep rotating either your head or the page to the correct orientation in order to read the information.

  4. 10

    Hard-to-use on devices

    Sometimes you may be away from your desk, in a meeting or on-the-road, and need quick access to the TSRGD. Viewing the TSRGD on a small device such as a mobile is difficult, meaning you probably never consider viewing it until you're back in front of your desktop.

  5. 11

    Finding Working Drawings

    Depending on your profession or your project, you may need to check the working drawings for some signs. The working drawings are not in the TSRGD document, you'll therefore need to search and find them online on a separate website, and ensure you're looking at the latest version.

  6. 12

    Losing your line of thought

    Possibly the most frustrating of all is when you lose your line of thought while you try to move between pages and visualise all of the information you have read in different parts of the TSRGD. This sometimes means you have to start all over again from scratch.

Amazing Features for a Hassle-Free Experience

The Online Software is full of features allowing you to get the information you need like never before.

See all signs & road markings

Useful structure
All road signs and markings are listed in order by their picture and description, making it quick and easy to browser through the diagrams.
Browse by schedule or all at once
You can view diagrams in all schedules in a single page, or you can view the ones in a specific schedule only by selecting the relevant schedule.

Live instant search.

Search by diagram number
You can quickly find the diagram you need by using the instant live search. You can search using new schedule numbers, old TSRGD diagram numbers, or even working drawing numbers.
Search by common terms
Search using terms such as . The image here shows the results for "give way".

View all information on a single page

See all references
All TSRGD references relevant to the diagram you are viewing are shown on the diagram's page. Just click an reference to expand and read it without leaving the page.
Header diagrams
Some signs have header diagrams in addition to the diagram itself. These diagrams are also displayed on the same page above the diagram.

See related diagrams

Related diagrams
Some diagrams have related diagrams, you can also view their image and description without leaving the page. Or click the relevant diagram to go to that diagram's information page.
Working Drawings
If a specific sign has one or multiple working drawing, they will be linked to at the bottom of that signs page. Clicking them will take you straight to that Working Drawing.

Pop-out hyperlinks

TSRGD definitions are integrated into the text. Just click any italic text and the definition of that term will pop-up on the same page.
External link previews
If there are any text links within a reference to other diagrams, you can simply hover over that link and a bubble preview of the link will show without leaving the page. You can also click the link to go straight to the linked page.

Always up-to-date

TSRGD Amendments
TSRGD amendments are integrated and highlighted (in bold blue) in the contents of our online software so you know it's always up-to-date. The example in the image here shows an important amendment to the enforcement of the no entry sign.
Further updates
Updates are sometimes also made to other relevant documents such as working drawings. These are also kept up-to-date.

No need to tilt your head or zoom in

Everything in portrait
ALl text, tables and figures are portrait so there is no need to keep tilting your head or the page.
Easy on the eye
Unlike a PDF, you don't need to keep zooming in and out as you resize the page as everything automatically adjusts to fit the page size.

Special book format

Easy navigation
In case you ever need to refer to the TSRGD book format, we've made a special version of it in our online software that has each schedule under a collapsable button.
and more..
This special book format also has other benefits such as in-built definitions, integrated amendments, it's all portrait and auto-adjusts as you change your page size.

Easy-to-use on any device

Responsive design
Our online software works on modern mobiles and tablets, and the responsive design means it's just as easy to use.
Work from anywhere
As long as you have a device with a webbrowser, and an internet connection, you can access and use our online software from anywhere.
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“The must-have tool for anyone in the traffic engineering industry”

Here's how you may feel after using our online software:

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Less time wasted
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Reduced stress
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More confidence
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Enjoy projects more

Licence Packages

Our licence gives you access to both the & Online Software. We provide a variety of licence packages that scales with your business. Select your organisation type below, and then choose the number of named individuals who will require access to the online software.
Select number of people:
up to 15 people licence
£ 1870
Plus VAT. Annual price for Local Authorities.
Contact Us
Select number of people:
up to 15 people licence
£ 1970
Plus VAT. Annual price for Private Companies.
Contact Us

Is it worth it?

We know as a business you must ensure you get a big return on any investment. That’s why our pricing is set to give you exceptional value for money.

A simple way of calculating the benefit is to estimate the time you would save annually by using our online software, and turn that into £'s.

You can use the quick estimator here to get an idea of the benefit to your business. The "Estimated total saving per year" is obtained by multiplying the 4 drop-down elements.

Remember when choosing the "Estimated time saved per week per person", to include not only the time saved in accessing the information, but also the time you avoid wasting by ensuring you are looking at the correct and latest information.

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30-Day Money-back Guarantee

We're so confident that you will love our online software, that we'll give you a no-quibble returns guarantee. Just drop us an email within 30 days if you'd like to cancel, and we'll refund your payment in full.


Here are the frequently asked questions we receive, and the answers:
No, there is no installation needed to use our online software. It all runs in your web-browser just like accessing normal website.
Our licences are fixed packages each with a maximum limit on the number of named individuals you can have under the licence. You can add or remove people from your licence by emailing us at any time.
Payments can be made through a purchase order (i.e. BACS payment) or by debit/credit card. Let us know which option you prefer when you email us.
We will ask you to email us to a list of individuals up to the number permitted under your chosen licence package. Each user will receive their own login which they cannot share with other individuals internally or externally. Sharing licences between individuals will result in suspension for the organisation. Users under each licence package must be from the same company and have the same @ domain name in their email address.
We'll email you near to the time of your licence renewal and email you the renewal invoice.
Yes, the Unlimited licence package offers amazing value as it allows anyone in your organisation internationally can get their own access to our online software. Users under each licence package must be from the same company and have the same @ domain name in their email address.
Still have unanswered questions? Get in touch

TSRGD PDFs Download

Download the PDFs using the links below.

TSRGD 2016

TSRGD 2016 - The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016


Explanation of TSRGD 2016 PDF

Circular 01/2016


TSRGD Working Drawing PDFs

TSRGD Working drawings for traffic signs


TSRGD Amendments 2017 (England & Wales) PDF

The Traffic Signs (Amendment) (England and Wales) Regulations and General Directions 2017


TSRGD Amendments 2018 (Scotland) PDF

The Traffic Signs Amendment (Scotland) Regulations and General Directions 2018


TSRGD Amendments 2020 (Coronavirus) PDF

The Electric Scooter Trials and Traffic Signs (Coronavirus) Regulations and General Directions 2020


TSRGD Amendments 2021 (Coronavirus) PDF

The Traffic Signs (Coronavirus) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2021


TSRGD Amendments 2022 (Scotland) PDF

The Traffic Signs Amendment (Scotland) Regulations and General Directions 2022


TSRGD Amendments 2023 (Wales) PDF

The Traffic Signs Amendment (Wales) Regulations and General Directions 2023


Traffic Signs Manual PDFs Download

Download the PDFs using the links below.

Chapter 1

Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 1 - Introduction (2018)


Chapter 2

Not yet released. The current advice on the design and use of directional informatory signs is published in LTN 1/94. Also available is the latest list of primary destinations in England.

Chapter 3

Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 3 - Regulatory Signs (2019)


Chapter 4

Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 4 - Warning Signs (2018)


Chapter 5

Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 5 - Road Markings (2019)


Chapter 6

Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 6 - Traffic Control (2019)


Chapter 7

Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 7 - The Design of Traffic Signs (2019)


Chapter 8-1

Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 8 - Traffic Safety Measures and Signs for Road Works and Temporary Situations: Part 1 - Design (2009)


Chapter 8-2

Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 8 - Traffic Safety Measures and Signs for Road Works and Temporary Situations: Part 2 - Operations (2009)


Chapter 8-3

Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 8 - Traffic Safety Measures and Signs for Road Works and Temporary Situations: Part 3 - Update (2020)


Ready to save time & money?

If you would like to purchase a licence, or have any other questions, please email us at, or click the button below.